by morgan wakeman | Dec 16, 2021 | Email Design Reviews
Ok. You’re desperate. Last night was the third night in a row where you stayed up until 3am binge-watching a Netflix show about monsters and royalty. Yet another one of your favorite characters died a gruesome, tragic death, you have a kink in your neck and a raging...
by morgan wakeman | Dec 16, 2021 | Email Design Reviews
Take a whiff – crisp leaves, hot cider, cold air, and a vague but ever-present scent of pumpkin spice. It’s fall! What more could be missing from this perfect picture? Well, don’t look too far; the answer might be right in your backyard (or on your...
by David Devore | Dec 26, 2015 | Blog, Email Marketing
Did you receive an Apple watch as a gift this year? While Apple’s latest gadget has fans lining up, there are a few important details about the Watch that, as a marketer, will affect your email campaigns: Plain Text: When an HTML email with plain text is sent,...
by David Devore | Feb 13, 2015 | Blog, Content Marketing, Tips and Tricks
The type of font you use in your emails can set the overall look, feel and tone of your copy. And because people are highly visual and process images roughly 60,000 times faster than words (when it comes to actually reading and comprehending) it makes creating a...
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