Need Inspiration? Search a Hashtag.

Stumped on what type of content to include in your social email? Looking to spice up your email campaigns? Search a hashtag! Hashtags are a great way to come up with new conversation topics, see what your fans are interested in, and keep in touch with your target audience. Here are a few tips and ideas on what to do with your hashtag inspiration:


Be Relevant. Searching for hashtags or using what is currently trending on Twitter is a great way for your brand to stay relevant. Search for topics relevant to your brand, or use the “Trending Now” side bar to find your inspiration. Even if the messaging isn’t exactly on target for your brand, it will show that you are committed to being relevant and on the pulse.

Feature the Best. Don’t just talk about what’s trending on Twitter, include it in your email. There is no better way to get the information across than to show it from the source.

Start a Conversation. By including trending hashtags in your email, you’re providing an easy outlet for conversation. Because the topic is likely already popular, your fans probably have opinions, which means lots of interactions on your page.

How are you using hashtags?
