How to Make an Awesome Social eNewsletter

It’s resolution time again and while most folks will lose their resolve shortly into the new year, I have one piece of advice you can stick to in 2016. Social newsletters are a great way to catch your fans up on what has been happening with your company or brand. Plus, by showing potential customers what your fans are saying, the chance to convert is increased by all the buzz shared. The only question is, how do you make a social newsletter that is worth reading?

Be Timely – Social media has a short lifespan. Your fans don’t care what happened on your social media a month ago, so make sure that your newsletters are going out frequently enough to keep the information fresh. Of course, keep your social media fresh and encourage your fans and followers to share their experiences

Be Visual – Pictures and videos in email get the highest click through ratings. People love images! They convey so much, can be very exciting, and are easily shared. Just be sure to have some text along with the media, so your email can be read on phones and gadgets like smartwatches

Think Bigger – Don’t feel confined to just your social media outlets: Think about what else is relevant to your fans. Music fans love updates about their favorite artists, upcoming tours, and what their fellow fans like. Fashion fans want to hear about all the upcoming fashions before the general public. This is the type of social content that can spread quickly within a passionate audience


