by David Devore | Dec 26, 2015 | Blog, Email Marketing
Did you receive an Apple watch as a gift this year? While Apple’s latest gadget has fans lining up, there are a few important details about the Watch that, as a marketer, will affect your email campaigns: Plain Text: When an HTML email with plain text is sent,...
by David Devore | Dec 11, 2015 | Blog, Content Marketing, Email Marketing
Email marketing campaigns often use social share buttons, and for good reason. According to GetResponse, emails with share buttons have a 158% higher click-through-rate than those without. The five share buttons with the highest CTR are Facebook, Twitter,...
by David Devore | May 30, 2015 | Blog, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Tips and Tricks
There is a special moment when a fan signs up to your email list. For you, it means list growth and the ability to communicate directly with that fan without any middle-man. For the fan, it means that they the are likely deeply interested in following your momentum,...
by David Devore | May 20, 2015 | Blog, Content Marketing, Email Marketing, Free Marketing Tools
Animated GIFs are a great way to make email marketing more unique and appealing. Studies have shown that emails with GIFs generate a 12% increase in profit from customers and a 5% increase in click-through rates. Yet, only 11% of email marketers are using GIFs,...
by David Devore | Apr 21, 2015 | Blog, Content Marketing, Email Marketing
Marketers often struggle to convert visitors to subscribers because of their complicated registration process. Studies show that 90% of visitors will go to a different site rather than having to go through the process of retrieving a lost password or creating a new...
by David Devore | Mar 28, 2015 | Blog, Content Marketing, Email Marketing
Email click-through rates are important for every business marketer, and are a far better indication of engagement than just email opens. In addition, click-throughs can boost your site visits, profits and sender reputation. But clicks are hard to obtain and often...
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