A Closer Look: Bandsintown Content Connector


Bandsintown gives you a great way to keep track of your favorite bands and their activity. Set the app to follow tour dates and special announcements for your favorite groups and get reminders in your email. Want even more control? Content (Ctrl) allows you to:

Make sure the posts are relevant – Content (Ctrl) gives you the power to set the radius from which posts will come to the user. That is to say that, if your subscribers were only willing to travel to see a band within a 150 mile radius, you could show them performances only within that area.

Be on the pulse – The recommendation tool finds bands similar to the selected band to give fans a chance to check out other music in a similar genre or feel. This positions you as the go-to resource for new bands or bands similar to what fans like.

Make it easy for the fans – Putting this app into email means your fans are reminded that their favorite artists are coming to town, making them less likely to miss out. It also gives fans an easy way to purchase tickets and get more information about shows with ease.

How will you use Bandsintown?
