6 common visual content mistakes

If you want to stay ahead, visual content must be in your marketing matrix. According to Socially Sorted, Instagram has surpassed Twitter in daily mobile traffic, and posts with pictures are shown to get about 53% more likes and shares than posts that only use text. However, to get these benefits, you’ll need to avoid these six common visual content mistakes:

1) Images That Don’t Reflect Your Brand: your customers follow you because they like your product, brand, or message. So if your images don’t reflect those things, you’re likely to lose some followers. To get your fans to like and share your content, use pictures related to what your business offers rather than posting something that is completely unrelated to your company’s services

2) Low Quality Images: Bad photos won’t be shared, and because your images reflect your brand, you want to avoid posting low-quality visual content. If professional photography isn’t in your budget, you can use sites like Foterwhere there are hundreds of free stock photos. Keep high resolution and clear text into consideration when choosing photographs

3) Your Design Isn’t Formatted For The Right Social Platform: when your content is formatted incorrectly, your images can appear very low-quality. You have to be careful with the dimensions of your designs because images for Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter all have different formats. To have the best quality photos, you’ll need to optimize your content for each site

4) Too Much Text: One of the pros of visual content is that it’s easy and appealing to view, so having too much text will only make people uninterested. When adding text to your visual content, be quick and concise so that the main focus is on the images

5) Designs Don’t Stand Out: people won’t notice your content amid all the posts on social media unless they stand out. One way to make this happen is to try different color schemes to appeal to your audience’s emotions. Using contrast, saturation, and other filters are other ways to change the style of your visual content to make it unique

6) Not Following Trends: on social media, trends are everything and may you lose out on a lot of potential customers if you ignore popular social trends. Pay attention to media pages of other successful brands and search sites like Pinterest to see what is generating the most likes
