4 Ways To Increase Engagement On Facebook

Great engagement on photos on Facebook

1) Use photos. As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words. People like to look at pictures, and these posts stand out against a sea of text posts.

Great engagement by asking for feedback on Facebook

2) Ask for feedback. Write your posts in a way that elicits a response: Try prompts such as “Like if you…” or as questions like “Which is your favorite?” Fans are much more likely to respond to this type of post.

3) Put it in email. Sometimes fans just miss their opportunity to engage. They may not have seen your content in their newsfeed or they may have been too busy to comment. Providing a social digest of the most popular content in your emails gives fans a second chance to engage.

4) Quality over quantity. A study done by Buddy Media found that engagement is 40% higher on pages that post one or two times a day than those who posted 3 or more times a day. If you’re itching to post hourly, consider using Twitter as an outlet for those posts. Use only your best content on your Facebook page as to not flood your fan’s feeds.

How have you increased engagement on your Facebook page?
