5 Stats For Content Marketers


Content marketing is always changing and developing, and so are the statistics that come along. Here are five recent stats, each one corresponding to one of the steps in the process of creating valuable and effective content:


Strategy: 36 percent of B2B companies with a documented content marketing strategy considered themselves very effective, three times more than those without a documented strategy. (LinkedIn Technology Marketing Community)

Follow Through: 70 percent of B2B organizations and 69 percent of B2C organizations report that they made more content in 2014 than in 2013. (Content Marketing Institute)

Using Social Media: 63 percent of B2B marketers rate LinkedIn as the most effective social media platform (Content Marketing Institute)

Measuring Success: B2B marketers cite web traffic (63%) and sales lead quality (54%) as their top metrics. (Hubspot)

Boosting Results: Inbound marketers who measure ROI are twelve times more likely to generate greater year-over-year return. (Hubspot)


