Buzzword: Responsive Email

Responsive design is one of the hottest buzzwords in the marketing world right now, especially when it comes to email. But why is this concept so hot? Let’s dig into this new trend (that’s here to stay):


What is responsive design? Essentially, it’s design that adapts itself to whatever is being used to view it. A responsive design, in theory, looks as good on all sized screens and offers the same functionality across all outlets.

Why should my email be responsive? The answer is simple. Over 47% of email opens happen on mobile devices and over 80% of email users say they immediately delete an email if it doesn’t look good on their mobile device. This means that you’re missing out on at least HALF of all of the views you should be earning!

What are my next steps? There are many great leaders in responsive design. Litmus is a great resource for introductory how-tos and tips and many programs offer software that take your regular emails and make them responsive.

Overall, responsive design is here to stay and will only get more advanced over time. The sooner you get in touch with this technology the better.

Have you gone responsive?
