3 Tools to Make Better Subject Lines

Many things, from psychology to science, play a part in making a headline that’s clicked and shared. Great headlines are important; they can mean the difference between gaining a few new users or an entire new audience.

Here are 3 tools to help you make your headlines more clickable:

Target Your Audience with ContentIdeator:

Making headlines that target the interests, needs, and problems of your audience is important in convincing them to click through. For example, if the majority of your followers are interested in Twitter, writing a blog post that references Twitter in the article as well as the title is a great way to engage your users.

The ContentIdeator is a great starting place for generating ideas and getting inspired. Just put in a keyword and the ideator will generate a list of topics to consider.



Trigger A Reaction with The Emotional Marketing Headline Analyzer

There are many different types of  headlines that affect the audience’s emotional reaction, such as “how to’s”, audience references, numbers, and specificity. Try writing a “how to” post or speak directly to your audience by saying “you” in the title to capture their attention.

The Emotional Marketing Headline Analyzer essentially scores your content based on emotional appeal. The higher the score, the more emotionally charged your headline is. Just enter the headline you have in mind, choose the industry you are targeting and review the results. It’s that easy!

Emotional Marketing Headline Analyzer

Better-Headline-Analyzer1 Better-Headline-Analyzer2


Use CoSchedule Headline Analyzer To Help Refine Aspirational Titles


Users love the idea of getting more for less, so improvement-focused headlines are a great way to pull readers in. Titles such as “5 Tips To Double Your Followers” or “How To Improve Your Search Raking In A Day” are great examples of titles that engage users with this technique.

The headline analyzer will review your headline across a number of criteria including scoring, word types, power words and emotional words. It also will give you a preview of how the headline will appear on a google search results and as an email subject line.

CoSchedule Headline Analyzer

